
All potential coaches (head/co-coach) must complete a volunteer registration in TeamSnap. Only registered volunteers will be considered for coaching positions.

NOTE: Coaches' requests for specific athletes will NOT be considered. If properly registered, a coach's own children are assigned to the parent's team. Requests for specific teammates/coaches can only be made in the player registration.

All coaches (head/co-coach) must pass a risk management screening process described below. There must be at least one approved coach from the team's roster in attendance at all games/practices. If a substitute is needed, another parent must register and complete the screening process.

The screening is not intended for volunteers helping as Admin Support - those helping strictly in administrative roles (scorekeepers or snack organizers, for example). It is meant for those leading the team.

  • Coaches must be high school graduates at least 18 years of age
  • Coaches must view the required sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) video and read the informational handout.
  • Coaches must furnish a valid completion certificate from an approved concussion safety course.
  • Coaches must authorize a background check from OYAA's contracted vendor.


Program directors/commissioners must enforce these requirements and will delay the release of rosters, schedules, uniforms and/or equipment until all coaches in their program have complied. Steps to complete these requirements are below. Additional details about each requirement can be found under the Resources tab.

Questions about a coach's status can be directed to

Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Lindsay’s Law

The following resources for coaches were developed to implement Lindsay’s Law:

Links to these resources are provided within the online volunteer registration form, so this requirement will be met as volunteers submit their registration.

Concussion Safety

Certificates are valid for three years and must not expire during the season you are coaching. Complete ONE of the following free, online courses:

Download your full-size (not wallet sized) completion certificate to your drive. EMAIL THE CERTIFICATE to as an attachment. Screen prints or photographs of the certificate WILL NOT be accepted.

Background Check

The background check is initiated and paid by OYAA. Coaches will receive a link, good for 72 hours, to authorize the background check via email. To ensure you receive these important emails, follow these easy steps to add to your safe list.

Please note that background checks completed by another vendor will not be accepted. Results from Sterling Volunteers will be provided to directly to OYAA, and will remain confidential.

Please direct any questions regarding the background report to

These requirements help ensure that OYAA can provide a safe and healthy environment for children participating in athletics. We appreciate your continued support of OYAA and our programs.