OYAA Contact Information
Below is the contact information for the administration and individual programs. Program-specific inquiries should be addressed to the commissioner or coordinator of the sport about which you have questions. Click a name to email that person or right-click to copy their email address.
Contact the Administrative Assistant for assistance with your registration/order.
Director of Operations
Dana Wisecarver
Executive Director
Elaine Eddy
Administrative Assistant
Tessi Jones
School Liaison
Allison Grotelueschen
Commissioners & Coordinators
Baseball, Rec
Dana Wisecarver
6U Coordinator:
8U Coordinator: Jordon Puckett
10U Coordinator: Eric Ermie
12U Coordinator:
Baseball, Travel
Aaron Lueth
Basketball, Rec
David Reese
Basketball, Travel
Berlin Boys Coordinator: Danny Mount
Berlin Girls Coordinator: Jamie Smith
Liberty Boys Coordinator: Trey Fogg
Liberty Girls Coordinator: Wes Van Autreve
Olentangy Boys Coordinator: Kent Creager
Olentangy Girls Coordinator: Paul Phillips
Orange Boys Coordinator: John Taylor
Orange Girls Coordinator: Tiffany Clark
Cross Country
Adam Walters
Tommy Linley
Lacrosse, Boys
Matt Gleckler
Lacrosse, Girls
Mindy Keane
Mike Lentz
Rec Referee Coordinator (interim): Mike Lentz
Rec Referee Head Coach:
Softball, Rec
Jeff Imholz
Olentangy Youth Athletic Association
P.O. Box 476
Lewis Center, OH 43035